Some things to remember as you plan to volunteer
As more and more opportunities open up for “on site” volunteering, there are a number of things we wanted to remind you to consider as a part of your Volunteering commitment.
Because space is limited in many instances, please remember to RSVP to the organisation so that they can plan around the numbers of volunteers they are able to have on site at any one time. If you are unable to attend after having sent an RSVP, please contact the organisation to advise them.
We are all required by law to wear a mask in public spaces, please be sure to wear a mask when you volunteer.
The organisations will do all possible to provide facilities for you to wash your hands, but we recommend that you take your own hand sanitiser as a precaution.
Please remember to log your volunteering hours as soon after your volunteering activity as possible. This allows us to help you to have your hours verified quickly, and for you to keep your Volunteering CV up to date and measure your community engagement on an ongoing basis.
Keeping children warm this Mandela Day
Volunteering Opportunity
Help to put a scarf around the neck of every child at the Sparrow School this year.
Earn Community Hours:
To help you to make your “Mandela Day Magic” scarf, you can knit, loom or crochet your beautiful scarf and remember to make it bright, colourful and personal
Average lengths of scarfs for
8—10 year old children: +/- 130 cm
11—13 year old children: 145 cm
Remember to attach a note which says: Made with love by ……
Earn 4 hours for every knitted or crochet scarf
Drop of date:
Before Friday 16 July 2021
Drop off venue:
16 Alicia Avenue, Waterford Estate, Waterford Road, Fourways or from Postnet to Postnet – please use Postnet Fourways Crossing
For more information:
Contact hello@communityhours.co.za
Unity Ultra 3 – United for 67 minutes
A virtual race is a race that can be run, walked or cycled from any location you choose. You get to complete your own race, at your own pace, within the time frame as stipulated by your particular event.
There are no parking problems, no crowds and no long Porta Potty lines. There is no start gun or nervous, pre-race chitchat with other athletes. There’s not even an official starting line!
All of this AND supporting Kids Haven too – it is a 67 minute Win Win!
Meal in a Bag
Volunteering Opportunity
Make a Meal in a Bag and donate it to a soup kitchen or a shelter, or consider donating it on 16 July to DC Coffee for distribution to Munsieville in Krugersdorp
Where to Volunteer?
Volunteer from home and make your meal in a bag as follows:
Into a Ziplock bag (or any clear plastic bag which can be sealed, add the following Ingredients:
1 cup of rice + 1/2 cup of lentils + 1/2 cup of sugar beans + the following spices:
1 teaspoon each of: Turmeric, Paprika, Cumin, Ginger and Garlic flakes, 2 teaspoons of Salt and 2 teaspoons of Sugar
Print the instructions and stick them on the bag
Bring 2 1/2 litres and the contents of this bag to a boil, and then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 18-24 minutes, or until rice, lentils, and potatoes are cooked through and no excess liquid remains.This one pot Lentil Dahl and Rice was made for you by: ____________________
Earn Community Hours:
Earn 1 hour for every 3 meals in a bag you make
For more information:
Contact hello@communityhours.co.za
Pay it Forward Coffee
Volunteering Opportunity
Touch the life of someone who needs a little kindness by “paying it forward” with a cup of your favourite hot drink this Mandela Day
Where to Volunteer?
DC Coffee at 18 Sunset Avenue (behind the Pineslopes Shopping Centre)
Earn Community Hours:
Buy a coffee on the go + 3 “Pay it forward” coffees and earn 1 community hour
For more information:
Contact hello@communityhours.co.za or call DC Coffee at 064 535 0734
Feed a community
Volunteering Opportunity
Help feed a destitute community by making 3 loaves of sandwiches (these should be individually wrapped to ensure that we can distribute these easily)
Earn Community Hours:
Make and donate 3 loaves of sandwiches and earn 1 community hour
Drop of date:
Friday 16 July between 09h00 and 15h00
Drop off venue:
DC Coffee, 18 Sunset Avenue, Pineslopes
For more information:
Contact hello@communityhours.co.za
Car Wash in support of Teddy Bear Foundation
Volunteering Opportunity
Please ask if you can wash a car for R67.00 and donate the proceeds to the Teddy Bear Clinic to help with the transportation of children to ensure that they can meet with their social worker.
Earn Community Hours:
Do a really good job of washing your folks car, a family members car or a neighbour’s car! REMEMBER TO BE Water Wise while you do. Deposit the R67.00 you earned into the Teddy Bear Foundation’s account in support of the transportation of children .
Log one Community Hour. Remember to send Community Hours a copy of the deposit slip with your photograph
Volunteering takes place on:
Every day during July and August
How to donate your Car Wash Funds
Please deposit your Car Wash Funds to: Teddy Bear Clinic for Abused Children/ Nedbank Parktown/ Account number: 1944183361/ Branch Code: 194405 Please use your name as your reference
For more information:
Contact Dalene at the Teddy Bear Foundation : daleneb@ttbc.org.za
Make and donate dog biscuits
Volunteering Opportunity
Make and donate delicious dog biscuits
Earn Community Hours:
by making and donating delicious dog biscuits to your closest animal shelter
DO NOT USE any peanut butter containing xylitol as it is toxic to dogs.
1 ½ cups of flour / 1 cup oats / 1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup peanut butter /2 teaspoons honey /1 egg
Preheat oven to 180C.
In a large bowl combine flour, oats, baking powder, and the egg. Add peanut butter, water, honey and stir until you have stiff dough. If the dough is to firm or dry, you can add a little water, but take care not to make it too sticky, roll up your sleeves you will need to use your hands
On a lightly floured surface, flatten or roll out the dough about 1/2 inch thick and use a cookie cutter to make fun shapes. the treats barely spread and rise, so get creative with your shapes.
Bake for 20 minutes, until golden.
Volunteering takes place:
Every day
1 batch of dog biscuits = 1 Community Hour
Please remember to place a note with your name and school on the packet before you donate the biscuits
For more information and for drop off points
please contact Community Hours: hello@communityhours.co.za
Make and Donate Soup
Volunteering Opportunity
Make and freeze your favourite soup, and donate this to a family living in difficult circumstances.
Earn Community Hours:
Please help the outreach team at His Way by making and donating delicious soup. The community would be so grateful for your home made soup, especially on a cold winters night
Volunteering takes place:
Every day
Make and freeze 2 litres of your favourite soup = 1 Community Hour Please use 2 litre milk cartons or 2 litre cold drink bottles to freeze and donate your soup in. This way you are recycling and you are feeding a community.
For more information and for drop off points
please whatsapp Jacqui at : 083 534 7047
POPI ACT – POPIA Compliance
As we prepare for the introduction of the South African POPI Act, effective from 1 July 2021, we would like to give you the opportunity to unsubscribe should you no longer wish to receive communications from Community Hours. If you wish to unsubscribe, you can do s by clicking on the link below, or if you prefer send us an email to hello@communityhours.co.za with the subject: “Unsubscribe” and we will remove your name from the mailing list
If you are happy to receive our newsletters and to be kept on the mailing list, no action is required.
Note that you can opt-out of our e-mail communication at any time
Community Hours Volunteer Hub – your Volunteering noticeboard of opportunities
We update the Volunteering Hub on the Community Hours website on an almost daily basis with different volunteering opportunities. Please make sure you check in to see what is new and discover ways that you can volunteer.