Have you sent your RSVP for the Frontline Hero packing event on Saturday 07 August?
We look forward to seeing you at DC Coffee Co and volunteering with you to support our Frontline Hero’s.
Confirm your participation by mailing: events@communityhours.co.za
Volunteering Event: Saturday 14 August
Volunteering Opportunity
Join Community Hours and Books and Bras and sort, package and size bras to gift to under resourced communities.
Earn Community Hours:
Commit to volunteering on Saturday 14 August and sort, package and size previously loved bras to be gifted to women and girls in under resourced communities.
What to Bring: Please bring pretty paper (to make cards to stick onto the packets) a pair of scissors and a pen.
Volunteering Date:
Saturday 14 August 2021
DC Coffee Co, Cnr Forest Road and, Sunset Ave, Pineslopes, Johannesburg, 2194
RSVP is Mandatory to manage COVID protocols
For more information and to RSVP
Sarah at events@communityhours.co.za
Volunteer to collect information at Vaccination sites
Volunteering Opportunity
Volunteer with GiVV and work at a vaccination station to collect data from people before they have their vaccination.
YOU WILL NOT BE EXPETED TO INTERACT WITH FRONTLINE WORKERS, your task will be to help people to move from one que to another and to follow the processes laid out before vaccinations are administered
Where to Volunteer?
There are a number of sites which require your help – please discuss these with Gabriella to find your closest vaccination canter
When to Volunteer?
Saturdays and Sundays
NOTE: this opportunity is only available to volunteers who are 16 years and older
Earn Community Hours:
Earn 1 hour for every hour volunteered
For more information and to RSVP:
Contact Gabriella via email at: vaccinatesa@gmail.com or access the website: http://GiVV.co.za/
Feminine Hygiene Packs for Johannesburg Dream Centre
Volunteering Opportunity
For many women and young girls, access to hygiene products is still a challenge. Many young girls miss several days of school on the days of their menstrual cycles because they lack sanitary pads. Studies show that girls can miss up to 5 days of classes per month or up to 50 school days per year due to lack of sanitary resources.
How to Volunteer?
Make and donate feminine hygiene packs to assist school going girls.
1 packet of either Sanitary pads / tampons + 1 bar of soap + 1 facecloth + 1 Deodorant + 1 body lotion
Please remember to clearly mark your kind donations with your name and the name of your school (for verification of hours)
Where to deliver your donations
Johannesburg Dream Centre
1st Floor, Tower B Northlands Corner Shopping Center. Corner New Market and Witkoppen, Northriding., Gauteng
Earn Community Hours:
1 hour for every donated hygiene pack
For more information:
Contact Phumlani via email: info@johannesburgdreamcenter.org
Look out for another Volunteering Event taking place in support of Women’s Month Saturday 21 August.
Details will be published on the Volunteer Hub shortly
Save the Date: Saturday 21 August 2021
Find more Volunteer Opportunities …
Find more volunteer opportunities on the Community Hours Website #VolunteerininAction starts with YOU.
Volunteering Opportunity
Volunteer with Dassenberg Horse and Dog Rescue Centre and help to exercise animals. The Saturday morning Dog Walk takes place from 08h00 – 10h30 and you are so welcome to spend some time with our animals and help us to ensure that they have a good exercise session on Saturdays
Earn Community Hours:
Earn 1 Community Hour for every hour spent volutneering
Where to Volunteer
R304 between Atlantis and Melkbosstrand
RSVP is MANDATORY – please WhatsApp MayAnna on 0741022121 to confirm your participation
For more information:
Please WhatsApp MayAnna on 0741022121 to confirm your participation
Volunteering Opportunity
Volunteers are welcome to visit HOLAH for a maximum of three hours at a time. HOLAH house is open for volunteers between 9am and 5pm daily.
Earn Community Hours:
Please help the outreach team at His Way by making and donating delicious soup. The community would be so grateful for your home made soup, especially on a cold winters night
Volunteering takes place:
Every day
Please do not come to HOLAH if you are unwell, we don’t want to pass on any bugs to the little ones in our care. No medication is to be given to the babies by volunteers. Please be hygienic and keep your hands clean, and adhere to the “house rules”
it is MANDATORY to RSVP to volunteer at HOLAH House
1 Community Hour for every hour spent volunteering
For more information and to RSVP
POPI ACT – POPIA Compliance
As we prepare for the introduction of the South African POPI Act, effective from 1 July 2021, we would like to give you the opportunity to unsubscribe should you no longer wish to receive communications from Community Hours. If you wish to unsubscribe, you can do s by clicking on the link below, or if you prefer send us an email to hello@communityhours.co.za with the subject: “Unsubscribe” and we will remove your name from the mailing list
If you are happy to receive our newsletters and to be kept on the mailing list, no action is required.
Note that you can opt-out of our e-mail communication at any time
Community Hours Volunteer Hub – your Volunteering noticeboard of opportunities
We update the Volunteering Hub on the Community Hours website on an almost daily basis with different volunteering opportunities. Please make sure you check in to see what is new and discover ways that you can volunteer.
Some things to remember as you plan to volunteer
As more and more opportunities open up for “on site” volunteering, there are a number of things we wanted to remind you to consider as a part of your Volunteering commitment.
Because space is limited in many instances, please remember to RSVP to the organisation so that they can plan around the numbers of volunteers they are able to have on site at any one time. If you are unable to attend after having sent an RSVP, please contact the organisation to advise them.
We are all required by law to wear a mask in public spaces, please be sure to wear a mask when you volunteer.
The organisations will do all possible to provide facilities for you to wash your hands, but we recommend that you take your own hand sanitiser as a precaution.
Please remember to log your volunteering hours as soon after your volunteering activity as possible. This allows us to help you to have your hours verified quickly, and for you to keep your Volunteering CV up to date and measure your community engagement on an ongoing basis.