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For Your Commitment To Volunteering

Hi, we are Community Hours

We create sustainable relationships between volunteers and accredited non-profit organisations by offering out of the box volunteering opportunities which truly engage volunteers and NPOs in meaningful collaboration. We partner with teens, parents, teachers and schools as well as tertiary students and adult volunteers to create and curate volunteering activities which resonate with each on a very personal level. All volunteering engagements have impact in the communities volunteers choose to serve, and the magnitude of the action is not what drives us. People make a conscious choice to volunteer, and they do so for many different reasons, some because they are looking for a chance to give something back to the community or to make a difference to people and animals living in challenging circumstances. Some volunteer because they want to develop new skills and meet likeminded people. Whatever your motivation, what we have learned is that regardless of the drive, what brings all volunteers together is binding sense of wanting to “make a difference” in ways which they might never have considered before. What Community Hours does differently is that we help you to log, verify and track EVERY VOLUNTEERING commitment you make, and we celebrate with you as you build your accredited Volunteering CV.

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With busy lives, it can be hard to find time to volunteer. Taking time to volunteer means that you impact on the lives of people and animals in need, worthwhile causes, and different communities, what we have found is that volunteering not only connects you with other volunteers, it also creates meaningful engagement in the communities which you serve, volunteers learn new skills, and connect with likeminded citizens. The benefits of volunteering can be enormous, and Community Hours is here to help you.

  • Active Volunteering

    Active Volunteering is the “get up and go” volunteering which requires that you give of your time, your skills and your energy at the organisation you choose to volunteer with. Given the prevailing global impact of COVID19, Active Volunteering is not always a possibility, but please keep checking the volunteering opportunities in the “Volunteer Now” library as we load new ways to actively volunteer as soon as they are safe and appropriate.

  • Virtual or Passive Volunteering

    Virtual or Passive Volunteering is a way that you can have an impact in a community or with an organisation while working from home. The importance of Virtual or Passive Volunteering should never be underestimated, and we add ways that you can volunteer in this way and support NPO’s, NGO’s and other organisations on an ongoing basis. Find out how you can be a “Virtual Volunteer” by checking for opportunities in the “Volunteer now” library.

  • Volunteering Opportunities for Everyone

    Community Hours creates and curates volunteering opportunities for all volunteers from 11 years old upwards. We highlight ways you can Volunteer as a family, with your friendship group or as an individual, and offer a range of opportunities to match your interests and skillsets.

We Are Often Asked

Why it is that we do what we do, and the simple truth is that we have discovered that Community Hours Volunteers have always wanted to help those less fortunate than ourselves. We do not volunteer because it benefits us, but we absolutely volunteer because doing so makes difference. Signing up to become a Community Hours Volunteer is really easy, and becoming an active volunteer is as easy as, registering as a volunteer with Community Hours, searching for volunteering engagements in the subscribers library of opportunities, making your choice of where and how to volunteer and begin your journey towards active citizenship. Once you have completed your volunteering commitment, log your hours and our team do the rest. We verify and authenticate your logged hours and help you to build your Volunteering CV.

Register NOW and begin your volunteering journey today.

Already a Community Hours Volunteer? Log in and find new opportunities to make a difference.

Not yet a Community Hours volunteer?  Register now and find out just how easy it is to find volunteering opportunities.

  • “The heart of a volunteer is not measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others.”
    Deanne Hollis

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